These photos are from a recent charity event out in New Smyrna at Erie surfboards factory. The Amy Roots rail jam is a fund raiser for Amy, a small girl, who was hit by a truck on her scooter over a month ago and is now trying to make a quick recovery. The turn out for this even was very high, everyone was there to support Amy and her family. Lots of wakeskaters showed up as well, ready to throw down some hammers for the crowd. With a fairly long start pool and the choice of hitting the gap or flat bar at the end, the wakeskaters began putting there bodies on the line. Landing a boardslide off that rail was a feat in itself. George Daniels managed to front board to fakie and BT hit the board slide 270 shuv out. Going down the gap Nick Dauzat nailed a perfectly clean back one, while Marcus Knox could not have been closer to landing a shuv, Josh Kirby and Travis Doran couldn't quite ride away from the kickflips. All in all the event was super fun and went down with out a hitch. I just want to say thanks to Erie Surfboards for putting this even on and Good luck to you Amy Root, my prayers are with you!
Brandon Thomas doing a boardslide with mad steeze.